

The ultimate 1st person, 3D perspective game for the Amiga computer

Updated 4th December 1996

Site created and maintained by Obi-Wan

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Captain Reynolds, the sole survivor of the Osiris Hybrid breakout, had been floating in space for weeks when the Earth Force Battle Cruiser heard the Escape Shuttle's distress signal. With the Osiris complex destroyed and the cruiser now making it's way back to Earth, Reynolds lay unconscious in a high security medical unit. The Shuttle's distress signal, however, had not only reached his saviours...

A huge dark shadow moved silently across the river of emptiness that is space. Progressing slowly toward the battle cruiser, using a cloaking system, making it invisible to sensors and tracking devices. It's vastness dwarfing one of Osiris's many moons. In it's relentless, silent orbit around the dark side of the planet, advancing mercilessly on it's intended prey, having closed in on the cruiser the shadow lunged forward.

Reynolds awakes in the unfamiliar surroundings of the battle cruiser's medical unit. His head still spinning he looks around, everything is silent. He moves out into the corridor to find the outside doorlock has been shot out, isolating the medical bay.

An unholy beast-like shriek echoes from the distance, Reynolds' memory flickers with rememberance. The body of a dead soldier draws Reynolds attention, Reynolds' face drained of colour with past memories, he retrieves a shotgun from the corpse and glares into the dim distance...

Welcome Bughunter!!

Here you'll find all you need to get you armed, dangerous, and combat ready for your journey through "The Killing Grounds".

You may enter the following areas, but keep your guard up, and your plasma rifle warm.

drawer drawer drawer

Game Resources

Screen Shots

Tricks & Tips

drawer drawer drawer drawer

Alien Gallery

Game Review

Guest Book

Breeding Grounds